Audio Drama : Big Finish Special Releases
Doctor Who: Excelis Dawns (Paul Magrs)
Doctor Who: Excelis Rising (David A McIntee)
Doctor Who: Excelis Decays (Craig Hinton)
Her Final Flight (Julian Shortman)
Cryptobiosis (Elliot Thorpe)
Return to the Web Planet (Daniel O'Mahony)
Return of the Daleks (Nicholas Briggs)
The Ultimate Adventure
The Seven Keys To Doomsday
The Curse Of The Daleks
The Return of the Krotons (Nicholas Briggs)
An Earthly Child (Marc Platt)
The Four Doctors (Peter Anghelides)
The Five Companions (Eddie Robson)
Voyage to Venus (Jonathan Morris)
Voyage to the New World (Matthew Sweet)
Night of the Stormcrow (Marc Platt)
The Light at the End (Nicholas Briggs)
The Worlds of Doctor Who (Justin Richards, Jonathan Morris and Nick Wallace)
Trial of the Valeyard (Alan Barnes and Mike Maddox)
Classic Doctors, New Monsters: Volume One (Phil Mulryne, Simon Barnard & Paul Morris, James Goss, Andrew Smith)
Classic Doctors, New Monsters: Volume Two (John Dorney, Scott Handcock, Simon Guerrier, Matt Fitton)
The Comic Strip Adaptations: Volume One (Adapted by Alan Barnes, Comics by Pat Mills, John Wagner)
The Legacy of Time (James Goss, John Dorney, Guy Adams, Matt Fitton, Jonathan Morris)
Time Lord Victorious: He Kills Me, Ke Kills Me Not (Carrie Thompson)
Time Lord Victorious: Short Trips: Master Thief / Lesser Evils (Sophie Iles, Simon Guerrier)
Time Lord Victorious: The Enemy of My Enemy (Tracy Ann Baines)
Time Lord Victorious: Mutually Assured Destruction (Lizzie Hopley)
Time Lord Victorious: Genetics of the Daleks (Jonathan Morris)
Time Lord Victorious: Echoes of Extinction (Alfie Shaw)
Peladon (Jonathan Barnes & Robert Valentine, Lizzie Hopley, Mark Wright, Tim Foley)
Classic Doctors, New Monsters: Volume Three: The Stuff of Nightmares (Tim Foley, Robert Valentine, Roy Gill, John Dorney)
60 Years: Once and Future: Past Lives (Robert Valentine)
60 Years: Once and Future: The Artist At The End Of Time (James Goss)
60 Years: Once and Future: A Genius for War (Jonathan Morris)
60 Years: Once and Future: Two's Company (Lisa McMullin)
60 Years: Once and Future: The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50 (Jonathan Barnes)
60 Years: Once and Future: The Union (Matt Fitton)
60 Years: Once and Future: Time Lord Immemorial (Lisa McMullin)
Classic Doctors, New Monsters: Volume Four: Broken Memories (Jonathan Morris, Jacqueline Rayner, David K Barnes)
The Sirens of Time Redux (Nicholas Briggs) - Silver Edition
60 Years: Once and Future: Coda - The Final Act (Tim Foley)
Classic Doctors, New Monsters: Volume Five: Faithful Friends (John Dorney, Tim Foley)