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Westminster Collectible Medals Set 1: Doctors and Monsters The Westminster Collection

Westminster Collectible Medals Set 1: Doctors and Monsters
Westminster Collectible Medals Set 1: Doctors and Monsters
Westminster Collectible Medals Set 1: Doctors and Monsters EditUse as template for a new item
09/2014 The Westminster Collection UK

First collection was 'Doctors and Monsters'. Came with a free booklet to display the medals in. The medals are presented in bespoke packaging featuring 24 slots, one to hold each medal. The front cover features all 12 Doctors, plus the War Doctor, while the reverse of the pack features the 11 monsters.

The set comprises 24 commemorative medals featuring colour printed photographs of the 12 Doctors, plus the War Doctor and 11 of the Doctor’s most iconic enemies. The obverse of the medal features an engraved version of the Doctor Who logo.

There was a promotional poster issued with the set as well, showing all the characters featured on the medals.

Sent out 2 medals a month.


1. William Hartnell
2. Peter Troughton
3. Jon Pertwee
4. Tom Baker
5. Peter Davison
6. Colin Baker
7. Sylvester McCoy
8. Paul McGann
9. Christopher Eccleston
10. David Tennant
11. Matt Smith
12. Peter Capaldi
13. War Doctor

1. Dalek (original)
2. Cyberman (original)
3. Sea Devil
4. K1 Robot
5. Davros
6. Cyberman (modern)
7. Special weapons Dalek
8. Slitheen
9. The Ood
10. Weeping Angel
11. Dalek (new)

OP: £7.50 each medal (+£2.99 p&p)