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Dark Gallifrey: 1.2: Morbius: Part Two (Tim Foley) Big Finish Productions

Dark Gallifrey: 1.2: Morbius: Part Two (Tim Foley)
Dark Gallifrey: 1.2: Morbius: Part Two (Tim Foley) EditUse as template for a new item
05/2024 Big Finish Productions UK

1 CD.

When disaster strikes the Proteus, Captain Argento and her crew must fight for their lives and the fate of all Time Lords.

What is out there on the ice? Who hides in the impossible temple?

As loyalties shift and secrets emerge, the cult of Morbius lies in wait to bring about the General's return...

REF: ISBN: 978-1-80240-378-7
OP: £10.99