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The Last Pirate's History of Doctor Who (D G Valdron) Dennis G Valdron/Fossil Cove Press

The Last Pirate's History of Doctor Who (D G Valdron)
The Last Pirate's History of Doctor Who (D G Valdron) EditUse as template for a new item
02/09/2022 Dennis G Valdron/Fossil Cove Press USA

Cover by Roberto Gonzales Lara

Product Description:

The final volume of the Pirate Histories of Doctor Who, this chronicle brings us up to the modern era with explorations of Doctor Who animation from short fan films of the 1970s, to the modern BBC re-animations of classic series. We'll also explore the history of Doctor Who audio adventures, fan created, official BBC and the audio universes of BBV and Big Finish. We'll also explore the fan films leading up to the revival, some of them starring actual Doctors like Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy, and the blazing new wave of productions including Trident, Fire and Ice, How to Stop a Time Lord, and series like DW2012 and Velocity. If you're a casual fan of Doctor Who, these books will blow your mind, and if you're a hard core fan, you'll love this cosmic tour de force and maybe even discover a few new things.

REF: ISBN: 978-1990860294
OP: £15.75