Doctor Who Thimbles Birchcroft Fine Bone China

Doctor Who Thimbles 

2002 Birchcroft Fine Bone China UK

2002 Birchcroft Fine Bone China UK
During 2002 a number of Doctor Who thimbles appeared on Ebay for sale. Further investigation revealed that Birchcroft China had purchased from a liquidated china company a number of transfers for Doctor Who thimbles produced around 1980 but never manufactured. There were also a number of test thimbles from the time produced. These were made available for sale on Ebay. However some thimbles were fired with the transfers in 2002 - these have 'Birchcroft China' printed inside them - the original 1980 tests did not. There were four thimbles produced in the test batch: Dr. Who, K9, TARDIS and Dalek. However there are a further two transfers: Adric and Leela. These latter two were never produced as test thimbles.
NM: £30 (Ebay)